
Sarv Pharmaceutcials is engaged in pharmaceuticals products manufacturing having following attributes for product quality.

  • Dedicated facility of general product(Non Beta Lactam) having dosage forms Tablets, Hard Gelatin Capsules, Liquid Orals.
  • Complete manufacturing facility designed with cGMP compliance clean rooms made by puff panels.
  • Separate rooms for each equipment with air lock in each room.
  • Separate Air handling unit for each room.
  • Double gowning system for entry in core area
  • Latest cGMP compliance manufacturing equipment of all dosage forms with PLC control system.
  • In-house stability study facility at different temperature and relative humidity.
  • In-house quality control laboratory equipped with latest sophisticated instruments like HPLC, GC, UV, Dissolution Apparatus.
  • Separate warehouses for Raw Materials, Primary Packing Materials, Secondary, Tertiary and finished products.
  • Highly competent technical and commercial staff.





  • Uncoated/Coated/Bilayer/Sustained Release/Chewable/Dispersible


  • Powder in Capsules/Pellets in Capsules (Size-0/1/2)


  • Syrups
  • Suspension/Drops


  • Hand Sanitizers/Handrubs(Gel/Solutions)/Lotions
S.No Machine Code Name of Machine Departmente Model/Capacity
1 T-01 Mechanical Shifter Granulation GMP/ 30”
2 T-02 Mass Mixer Granulation GMP/ 100 Kgs
3 T-03 Multi Mill Granulation GMP/ 8”
4 T-04 Fluid Bed Drier Granulation GMP/ 30 Kgs
5 T-05 Hot Air Tray Drier Granulation GMP / 48 Tray
6 T-06 Vibro Shifter Granulation GMP/ 21” 200 Kgs/Hrs
7 T-07 Paste Kettle Granulation GMP/ 50 Kgs
8 T-08 Oscillating Granulator Granulation GMP/ 200 Kgs/ Hrs
9 T-09 Octagonal Blender Granulation GMP/ 200 Kgs
10 T-10 Rotary Tab Compression Machine Table Compression GMP/ 16 Station
11 T-11 Rotary Tab Compression Machine Table Compression GMP/ 27 Station
12 T-12 Rotary Tab Compression Machine Table Compression GMP/ 35 Station
13 T-13 Coating Pan I Coating GMP/ 36”
14 T-14 Coating Pan II Coating GMP/ 24”
15 T-15 Coating Pan III Coating GMP/ 18”
16 T-16 Alu- Alu Packing Machine Packaging GMP
17 T-17 Blister Packaging Machine Packaging GMP
18 T-18 Strip Packaging Machine Packaging GMP
19 T-19 Packaging Conveyor Belts Packaging GMP
20 T-20 Packaging Conveyor Belts Packaging GMP
21 T-21 Packaging Conveyor Belts Packaging GMP
22 T-22 Electronic Weighing Machine IPQC/ Granulation GMP
S.No Machine Code Name of Machine Departmente Model/Capacity
1 CA-01 Vibro Shifter 21” Mixing Section GMP/ 200 Kgs/hrs
2 CA-02 Double Cone Blender Filling & Polishing GMP/ 50Kgs
3 CA-013 Automatic Capsule Loading Machine Filling & Polishing GMP/ 25000/hrs
4 CA-04 Capsule Filling Machine Filling & Polishing GMP/ 300 Holes
5 CA-05 Dedusting & Polishing Machine Filling & Polishing GMP/ 80000/hrs
6 CA-06 Blister Packaging Mach Packaging Section GMP
7 CA-07 Strip Packaging Machine Packaging Section GMP
8 CA-08 Packaging Conveyor Belt Packaging Section GMP
9 CA-09 Packaging Conveyor Belt Packaging Section GMP
10 CA-10 Electronic Weighing Balance Capsule section GMP
S.No Machine Code Name of Machine Departmente Model/Capacity
1 L-01 2000ltrs Syrup Mfg vessel Liquid Processing Section GMP/ 2000ltrs
2 L-02 3000ltrs processing Vessel Liquid Processing Section GMP/ 3000ltrs
3 L-03 3000ltrs Storage Vessel-I Liquid Processing Section GMP/ 3000ltrs
4 L-04 3000ltrs Storage Vessel-I Liquid Processing Section GMP/ 3000ltrs
5 L-05 500ltrs Vessel Liquid Processing Section GMP/ 500ltrs
6 L-06 200ltrs Vessel Liquid Processing Section GMP/ 200ltrs
7 L-07 100ltrs Vessel Liquid Processing Section GMP/ 100ltrs
8 L-08 High Speed Stirrer Liquid Processing Section GMP
9 L-09 Filter Press Liquid Processing Section GMP
10 L-10 Bottle Washing Machine Liquid Washing GMP/ 3000/Hrs
11 L-11 8 Head Automatic MonoBlock Filling&Sealing GMP/ 5000/Hrs
12 L-12 Syrup filling Machine (Semi Automatic) Filling GMP/1000/hrs
13 L-13 Bottle Capping Machine (Semi Automatic) Sealing GMP/ 1000/hrs
14 L-14 Automatic Labeling Machine Labeling & Packaging GMP/ 6000Hrs
15 L-15 36” Turn Table Liquid Washing GMP
16 L-16 36” Turn Table Labeling & Packaging GMP
17 L-17 Slat Chain conveyor Belt Filling&Sealing GMP
18 L-18 Inspection Table (Three Track) Filling&Sealing GMP
19 L-19 Packaging Conveyor Belt Labeling & Packaging GMP
20 L-20 Electronic Weighing Machine Liquid Processing Section GMP
S.No Machine Code Name of Machine Departmente Model/Capacity
1 Lab-01 ABBE Refractometer Laboratory Tanco
2 Lab-02 Antibiotic Zone Reader Laboratory Tanco
3 Lab-03 Anaerobic Culture Jar Laboratory Tanco
4 Lab-04 Autoclave Vertical Laboratory Tanco
5 Lab-05 Balance Digital: a) 100gms Capacity b) 200gms Capacity Laboratory Elder Instrument & Dhona Balance Co.
6 Lab-06 Bulk Density Apparatus Digital Laboratory Tanco
7 Lab-07 Binocular Microscope Laboratory Tanco
8 Lab-08 B.O.D. Incubator Laboratory Tanco
9 Lab-09 Colony Counter 4 Digit Laboratory Tanco
10 Lab-10 Digital PH Meter Laboratory Tanco
11 Lab-11 Friability Test Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
12 Lab-12 Glass Distillation Apparatus Laboratory Borosil Glass (Tanco)
13 Lab-13 Heating Mantle – 500ml Laboratory Tanco
14 Lab-14 Heating Mantle _ 2.0 ltrs Laboratory Tanco
15 Lab-15 Infrared Moisture Balance Laboratory Tanco
16 Lab-16 Incubator Inner & Outer S.S body Laboratory Tanco
17 Lab-17 Laminar Air Flow Laboratory Tanco
18 Lab-18 Magnetic Stirrer Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
19 Lab-19 Melting Point Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
20 Lab-20 Oven Laboratory Tanco
21 Lab-21 Polarimeter Laboratory Tanco
22 Lab-22 Rectangular Muffle Furnace Laboratory Tanco
23 Lab-23 Sterility Test Apparatus(3 test) Laboratory Tanco
24 Lab-24 T.L.C. Kit Laboratory Tanco
25 Lab-25 Tablet Hardness Tester MONSANTO TYPE) Laboratory Tanco
26 Lab-26 Tablet Hardness Tester(PFIZER TYPE) Laboratory Tanco
27 Lab-27 Tablet Disintegration Apparatus (D.B) Laboratory Tanco
28 Lab-28 U.V.Lamp Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
29 Lab-29 U.V. Spectrophotometer Laboratory Systronics Instruments
30 Lab-30 Vortex shaker With Touch Plate Laboratory Tanco
31 Lab-31 Vacuum Pump Laboratory Tanco
32 Lab-32 Vacuum Oven Laboratory Tanco
33 Lab-33 Water Bath Laboratory Tanco
34 Lab-34 Waters H.P.L.C. Laboratory Waters
35 Lab-35 Hot Plate Laboratory Tanco
36 Lab-36 Centrifuge Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
37 Lab-37 Leak Test Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
38 Lab-38 Karl Fischer Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
39 Lab-39 Dissolution Test Apparatus Laboratory Tanco
40 Lab-40 Potentiometer Titrator Laboratory Tanco
41 Lab-41 Kefrigerator Laboratory Tanco
S.No Machine Code Name of Machine Departmente Model/Capacity
1 Ua-01 E.T.P. Plant Waste Water Purifier GMP
2 Ua-02 V.C.B. Electrical GMP
3 Ua-03 Servo Electrical GMP
4 Ua-04 L.T. Panel Electrical GMP
5 Ua-05 Transformer 315 Kva Electrical GMP
6 Ua-06 Boiler 600 Kgs Steam GMP
7 Ua-07 Air Handling Unit Fresh Air GMP
8 Ua-08 Air Conditioning outdoor unit Cooling GMP
9 Ua-09 Silent Genset 180 Kva Additional Power GMP
10 Ua-10 Elevators GMP
11 Ua-11 Compressor Air Pressure GMP
12 Ua-12 R.O.Plant Purified water GMP
13 Ua-13 Plumbing Looping Line Purified Water Supply GMP
14 Ua-14 S.S.Tank 2000ltrs Purified Water Storage GMP